Dec 14, 2008

Ely blizzard, we're snowed in.

After taking a few weeks off from Ely, we're now snowed in for who knows how long. Last night, we got calls from my mom and Tom letting us know that it was gonna be ugly. But at that point, we were beyond heading out, having too much fun staying warm inside. We woke up Sunday morning to some ugly winds and blowing snow. Today we decided to take a hike across the lake and as you'll see, we were quite bundled up. Hard snowfall, a -1 temp and 20-25 mph winds, created a brisk outing on the lake and a walk through the woods. The boys were loving it, but my lips and nostrils started freezing shut.

Unfortunately, I'm also having trouble with the ATV starting to plow us out. It takes about 3 hours for a heater to warm up the engine enough for me to get it started. Not a great time to have a dead battery and need an oil change. Turns out the snow blower is also busted. Way to go ME for not getting that fixed in the summer/fall.

As for the kids, they're thrilled that they'll be missing school Monday. But Jackson is very nervous he's going to miss his winter program that he's been practicing for. I'm hoping we can get out of here in the AM...but it seems unlikely. I don't think plowing our 1-3/4 mile dirt road is a big priority for the city.

1 comment:

Raphaella Vaisseau said...

Wow. Are you still snowed in? Sorry I called so early this morning. I figured you'd be at work already. BTW ... I have a blog too. In case you didn't know, here's my url: